New Focus on America’s Cybersecurity Workforce

The need for expanded attention to cybersecurity seems to finally be picking up speed, with a recent federal directive that outlines America’s cybersecurity workforce. The executive order, signed May 2 by President Trump, instates a series of policies and programs to strengthen and grow efforts to defend the nation’s digital infrastructure.

Stipulations of The President’s New Order:

  • A rotational program allowing federal employees to deepen their cybersecurity expertise across a number of areas and agencies.

  • The adoption of the NICE (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education) Framework by federal agencies, to help them attract and retain cybersecurity talent.

  • The implementation of cybersecurity-aptitude assessments by federal departments.

  • The establishment of the Presidential Cybersecurity Education Awards to honor up-and-coming entrants to America’s new cybersecurity workforce.

  • And the ongoing support of the National Security Strategy, which makes cybersecurity a top priority for all federal agencies.

A Step in the Right Direction?

“America built the internet and shared it with the world,” President Trump said in a recent statement. “Now, we will do our part to secure and preserve cyberspace for future generations.”

While this support for America’s cybersecurity workforce is a major step in the right direction toward protecting the rights and privacy of all Americans, this is not yet a finalized and fully functional strategy. Since we’re only a few months out from the announcement of these new initiatives, it’s imperative that everyday Americans are still proactive in protecting themselves online. Private email like is one of the best ways to do that as it is the most secure email account you can use, offering end-to-end encryption and safe storage.

Another smart option is virus protection software, which can be made even stronger with a second opinion malware scanner. This tool can analyze your antivirus program and help close gaps that could enable viruses to attack your computer. A standout product is Malwarebytes, which has both a free and paid version. This is one of the most recommended products on the market, popular for its frequent updates and ability to catch viruses that the more traditional scanners could miss.

Strengthening America’s cybersecurity has long been on the minds of Americans concerned about their privacy rights, who should continue to take steps to protect themselves, as we wait to see the new federal executive order fully rolled out.