Are Private Surveillance Cameras Watching Your Every Move?
April 21, 2021 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMPrivate video surveillance has become a common component of city living, as residents seek to protect and monitor their own property. This includes everything from security cameras to Ring doorbells
READ MOREIs America a Technocracy or a Democracy?
March 17, 2021 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMAmerican society is founded on the concept of democracy - our history, our constitution, and our form of government are all based around this principle. But what happens when technocracy comes into th
READ MOREWhy You Should Use a Private Search Engine
February 24, 2021 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMFew people think twice about a quick online search. When you need directions, the latest news, a phone number, or any small bit of information, you typically head to the most popular mainstream search
READ MOREBest Ways to Keep Your Email Communications Private
December 23, 2020 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMAs the world has moved to remote work, online school, and virtual socialization, email has become more important than ever. While email allows us to stay in touch, stay productive, and stay keyed in t
READ MOREThe Media Hides the Facts Once Again
June 16, 2020 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMBelow is a video taken a little over a week ago. Once again, for all the “happy talk” of re-openings, we need to think through the media’s continual lies.The following video shows Chicago, NYC, and Mi
READ MOREHow to Avoid Coronavirus Scams
April 07, 2020 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMThe current global pandemic is inducing anxiety and panic around the world, as citizens everywhere struggle through these unchartered territories. Travel restrictions, school closures, and lockdowns h
READ MORECybersecurity Pledge Signed by 27 Countries
January 07, 2020 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMNow that we're in another presidential election year, an issue that garnered significant international attention four years ago is again a hot topic of debate: cybersecurity. In the leadup to the 201
READ MOREBeware: Rise in Mobile Phishing Attacks
October 28, 2019 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMFor many, our mobile devices are nearly attached to us at all times — in our hands, in our pockets, or in our purses. Beyond using them for business and personal calls and texting, our mobile smartp
READ MORESeptember 11th’s Impact on Cybersecurity
September 09, 2019 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMThe terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, have had a lasting effect on the security of our country. From enhanced airport security and flight restrictions to new safety protocols for workplaces
READ MOREHow to Turn Off Locations on Your iPhone |
April 03, 2019 | PRIVACY AND FREEDOMWe’ve all heard that our digital devices have the ability to track our online behavior — from our emails to our shopping history — but did you know they can also record our actual physical movements?